Sunday 7 September 2014

Ridin' on the wind and it never goes away...

You know how people say, “If only my life were a movie and this song would be the soundtrack to it!”

Well, I have one of those conditions pat down. My geekiness over shows and studies doesn’t exactly warrant a movie, but the amount of music I listen to would definitely fulfil the soundtrack portion of it. Just check my music player. You’d be pleasantly surprised at the diversity of genres.

Why this article? I mean, so many others would have made playlists on 8tracks to show their love for their music. This is to show what happens when I am without music.
We all know the despair of earphones slowly losing their power. You adjust the wire into the phone so that you can hear the parts of Bohemian Rhapsody playing in each ear. You twist the wire in weird ways to listen to Chester scream out parts of Faint. And most, you keep adjusting so you can avoid weird people noises while travelling home.

In April 2014, my earphones had started reacting on me again. I had a rubberband that I tied the earphones into when it came to the perfect sound that I needed. I pressed the volume button on my phone in vain, that the volume might increase just a tad more. It was submission time, and I needed my music so I wouldn’t freak out over the lack of study in my life.

By the end of May, I couldn’t listen to much music on my phone due to final exams. I managed to listen to it on my laptop. I have about 20 gigs of music on the laptop and 65 on the hard drive (not to brag :P), so it’s easy to choose a particular artist or genre to listen to while studying.

June was done, I was ready for vacation while trying to figure out the earphone problem. Thinking back, I was so dumb. I was blaming the earphones when they were working perfectly on the laptop but not on the phone. I spent all my travel reading A Song of Ice and Fire and fanfiction instead of listening to music. That is exactly when my mood started going downhill.


You must understand, to me, music is actually therapy at times. When I’m feeling sad, or I’ve had an argument with a friend, I’d listen to peppy music or songs that I like to make me feel better. There’s something cathartic about singing Hurricane or Explorers at the top of your voice. When I want to sing along with my family, I play BeeGees and Abba. Singing Don't Stop Me Now at the top of my voice and harmonizing to Waiting for the End with my sister is something I adore.


Back to the story. We had to go to Tamil Nadu for vacationing with extended family. I regretted the lack of hearing power in the phone but couldn’t do anything. I let my friend put on her earphones while I continued with my saga of reading books on the bus home.

It came to a point where I was terribly blocked with respect to my writing, just because of my music. The thing that inspires me the most was not there anymore. It was absolute misery. It came to a point where I was worried if I was losing my grip on my creativity.

But now, it is all better. I got my phone repaired last month (I even used a Blackberry for those three days), and I still make the art that I love and write like I usually do. ( I made that scroll below :D)

So, listen to all the music that you do. Don’t let anyone music-shame you, if you like that pop song, turn up the volume and start dancing!

And here is a playlist of my all-time favorites just to shake you up from the doldrums of life:

Voulez Vous

P.S. Post title was inspired from Madonna's Music. Sorry for the link heavy post.


Music mentioned in the whole post (Alphabetically, then by year):

30 Seconds to Mars
From Yesterday, A Beautiful Lie, 2005
Hurricane, This is War, 2009

Voulez Vous, Voulez-vous, 1979

Heart on my Sleeve, True, 2013

XO, Beyoncé, 2013

Bryan Adams
Everything I do (I do it for you), Waking up the Neighbours, 1991 

George Michael
Faith, Faith, 1987 

Linkin Park
Faint, Meteora, 2003
Waiting for the End, A Thousand Suns, 2010
Guilty All The Same, The Hunting Party, 2014

Lindsey Sterling
Heist, Shatter Me, 2014

Music, Music, 2000

Hysteria, Absolution, 2003
Explorers, The 2nd Law, 2012

Bohemian Rhapsody, A Night at the Opera, 1975
Don't Stop Me Now, Jazz, 1978

Troye Sivan
Happy Little Pill, TRXYE, 2014

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