Thursday 7 January 2016

What's in a name?

Well, everything, if you cannot even remember it!

In the last six months, I have met about ten different people every week. You may say, it is a new place with new situations. You may say, the other people are the same way and you can just reintroduce yourself. But, when you forget a person’s name literally ten seconds after they introduce themselves to you? Not cool at all.

My sister and I were visiting extended family last week. I had been to their place before and so was familiar with them to a certain extent. She asked me about them, and I said something along the lines of,
              These are the people who I know. Their son’s name is ABC, their other son’s name is XYZ and the first one has two kids, whose ages… um, I can’t remember. Their names? Nope. The wife? Nada.

Well, my sister just shook her head at me because she’s used to my antics. In real life? I do not think people would humor me as much.

Similarly, I had met a guy who was in the same class as me. We had conversed multiple times and in one of those conversations, he offered to exchange numbers. As you would know it, I had no idea what his name was. I tried to be all smooth and gave him my phone to enter in his details. He was too smart, though and called me out.

The funny part is, I had someone to do the same to me as well. He handed me his phone and said, “Oh, I need your full name for my phone.” I called him out as well, at which point he just gave a sheepish smile.

Note to self: I really need to try and pay more attention to my surroundings so I don’t mess up with people I would like to befriend.

The sad part? This doesn’t stop here.

You know that thing on the tip of your tongue? You know the exact concept, you can even describe it to a person, but getting that exact word? Good luck!

I go through this a lot to the point where people wonder if I lost my marbles along with my words. Select friends of mine have gotten used to completing my sentences since I will and shall spend ten minutes trying to think of that exact word and going through multiple sites to get the same.

It is frankly frustrating, and one of the things I hate about myself. I think it is partly because I do not use those words as often as I do simpler ones. However, when I cannot remember words as simple as vivacious, or worse, commit one of the great grammar sins like affect instead of effect, I want to put myself in a corner and wear the cone of shame.

I am hoping that this really does not trip me up somewhere important as opposed to a random conversation about something with friends.

Do you guys have any forgetfulness problems? Do they happen right around exams? Let me know!

Leaving you with this song since I think this is how the names and words evade me:
 Hello? Is it me you're looking for? 


  1. Can I just say, I found the song link way too hilarious? :P Rather, this is how you wish those words came around finding you. :D

    And don't worry. I am as guilty, though with things I forget I just kept in my bag rather than names. It is just you being absent-minded. I don't think it would trip you up seriously though.

    1. Can you imagine that scene, where random words just fly around me and I am like, "Nope, not that one. No, you're close but not the one I want."

      It would be brilliant.
      Thanks for the comment!
