Wednesday 13 May 2015

Fandoms brings people together, Life tears them apart

Okay, the title is slightly melodramatic, but I couldn’t find a term which would work better on a smaller scale.

I keep mentioning in my articles about how life changes your point of view on things. It is definitely a good thing because you allow yourself to evolve based on situations and life experiences you’ve gone through and so on. At the same time, your opinion about many issues change.

When I was in junior college, my criteria for dating was that the person should be able to keep up with my Harry Potter trivia. They should also be okay with the fact that my best friends then were boys and that I would probably put them first over the person I was dating.

In engineering, Harry Potter was still the main point. However, proper English and non-text speak came into the picture. Very ironic considering the fact that I used text speak in tenth grade like it was going out of fashion.

Last year, I came to the conclusion that the person I date should be able to understand fangirling, fandoms and the like. Considering the fact that I am 60% fandom, 35% nerd and 5% lame jokes, being into fandoms or just getting fandoms would mean the world to me. (Applause here that I didn’t give into my dirty mind and type 69% fandom.)

However, thinking about some things makes me wonder, not if I set the bar too high, but if the bar should be based on something more relevant.

Story 1:
About three years back, two of my friends met each other through Glee, continued on to watch Doctor Who, and went from being friends to more. They were so much more that all of their mutual friends shipped them. If not for the distance problem, they might have actually been married by now. However, there was an ego clash with respect to one person’s career, and the relationship ended.

Story 2:
About two years back, two friends of mine got together due to their mutual love of Doctor Who. Same thing about many of their friends shipping them together and the like. About 18 months later, personal problems caused them to break up.

This made me realize that being in fandoms would not necessarily mean that it would be a picture perfect relationship. Fandoms would be just one more thing in life I share with that person. Yes, it would make life easier for when I’m crying because of feels and don’t have to explain what feels is and so on. But at the same time, is it something absolutely necessary?

Right now, I still feel yes. Maybe, in two years from now, I’ll be in a different place, dating someone who doesn’t know shit about fandoms but is willing to learn stuff for me. Maybe I’ll find someone who fanpersons over stuff, gets all my references and cracks puns back at me. Maybe.

Was there a point to this? Probably not. 

Please do tell me if there’s a condition people need to meet before you would date them in the comments! Love you guys!

P.S. This was the first time I couldn't find a proper song to end the article with. Maybe I'll edit this in the future. Too disorganized, I feel.

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