Tuesday 31 December 2013

The 3 R's of New Year

As the countdown to 2014 begins, the usual normal events start: people regretting 2013, people celebrating 2013, people drunk tweeting and texting, calling your loved ones and wishing them, #goodbye 2013 becoming a trended tag. It’s an event no one misses, not even the most pessimistic person, if only to say, “2014 will suck more than 2013.”

Every New Year is known for three things: parties, booze and resolutions. The first two are aplenty any time of the year, but the start of a new revolution somehow spurns every one of us to promise a thing. Even as I write this, I laugh as I know how shaky resolutions are. Especially ones like – I will not eat chocolates, or I will study more often. Two weeks later has you searching for the chocolate box, or checking your mobile for the tenth time in two minutes. 

The thing with resolutions are that they’re tricky. You don’t want to do something you regret, but at the same time not promise too much. Some are outlandishly crazy, while some can be really small. 

Telling that you’ll keep your mind open – Good.
Promising to become a star within five months of the New Year – slightly out of your hands.

A friend of mine, let’s call her Luna, had a brilliant idea. She took a Nutella jar, cleaned it out (Omnomnom) and made a hole in the lid. Every time something happened that made her extremely happy, she wrote it down and put it inside the jar, only to check it at the year end. It was a very pretty idea and I still want to do it one day. However, it made me think, if all of us could make such a jar, and pick up a piece when we are really down or depressed. It would make such a difference, make us feel so much better.

Or have lots of chocolate. I like mine dark and rich.
I still remember when I was in the ninth grade, and decided to keep a diary. I said to myself, “It’ll be a cute thing to look back on when I grow older.” Fifteen days later, and I was too bored to write down school situations into a book. Glad I did stop, because I read the first three pages a while back, and boy, was I childish!

What we love is, memories to look back on, cherish and look forward to. 
In 2011, I dropped my dad’s laptop to watch fireworks from the window in our new house while watching Tangled.

Last year, I had a fever and went to sleep early only to get up at one and wish everyone with a croaky noise.

This year, I made some really good decisions with a few bad choices sprinkled in. Maybe next year, I’ll be with family, friends, or even that special someone (AS IF! :P), but the Last Day of the Year will always be a day filled with memories to me.

It’s a repeating thought with me that what I would have said a year back, sounds childish to me now. I actually started a post with it a year back, which I then deleted because that post was too cheesy. If you noticed, I even changed my blog name from a boring ‘93varsh’ to a sleek and reference-included title: madeyemusings. Next year, I might cringe at this post and ask myself why I babbled so much onto a post which only my friends and my sister reads.

A new year somehow symbolizes a new start, some progress which couldn’t have been made the year before. Promises that were broken, commitments that couldn’t be committed to, and so on. I usually keep a resolution the same way I watch Glee: Laughing maniacally at my dumb self. But this time, I might just do something different. Find something small that can be done, and is possible. A change that is not too big, not that important, but might just make a little change.

So, if you’re reading this before the Clock strikes twelve, think of something that would make your life easier, narrow down all the possibilities and choose something that you can. Me - I’m going to watch some John Barrowman and call in the New Year with my family.

Happy New Year, and good luck to you all!

P.S. The 3 R's are Resolutions, Realizations and getting Royally Plastered! :D

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