Thursday 1 October 2015

Mostly Magnificent ^_^*

It’s been almost two months since I shifted from my little comfort zone to a whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew. (Stop quoting Disney songs, Vee!)

I sometimes get that ghost notion, the feeling that this isn’t actually my life, the feeling that I’m viewing all of this from farther away, wanting to live it. I then get shifted back to reality and realize that this is my life, now. Slightly solitary, mostly magnificent, interestingly innovative.
(Not exactly innovative, I just wanted to be alliterative.)

This blog post is not like the others, probably because I still have scattered thoughts that do not fit thematically as such.

The funny part about moving away is that you realize how close to you people actually are. There are those who you are sure you’ll be joking with as you reach the grave. There are the ones who are good friends, but time zones stress out the friendship. There are always a few who you wonder about: Were they really my friend, ever?

Yeah, this post starts off with angst. However, right now, I am pretty serene. This article seems to be amalgamating most of my thoughts and experiences occurring in this part of my life.

It feels like I am accomplishing most of my goals. I have topics to study that I actually like. I try to make new friends wherever I go. I maintain a semi-social life along with my studies and am very pleased with it. I try to keep in touch with most people. Hint to y’all out there: Even a hello and a selfie of your stupid face will make me giggle and smile. I reckon the same applies to you guys.

As you can see, I’ve tried to personalize my room. I still miss my old room with the exploding TARDIS and the photo frame with me, Savio and Neil trying to look cute and happy (Well, we were cute and happy, not trying to). This seems like a happy medium for now. I might put up pictures of friends when I get free to print them out and the like.

I have realized that not everyone reciprocates the same vibes that you do. I have tried to keep my mind open to new opinions, instead of sticking to my principles or something along those lines. I just realized how many times I use the word I. (There you go, quoting Disney again? Ah, whatever.)

Some thoughts friends have shared with me over the past week that I want to print out and stick on a wall:
  •                 Not everyone can be your best friend.
  •                Humans do not have the emotional capacity to deal with so many other people’s emotions.
  •                Do not be too secretive. Have fun with others.
  •                Slap them with a fish.
  •                I alternate between ‘I suck’ and ‘I am amazing’ at an alarming rate.
  •               You are finally enjoying what you want to do.
  •               Find your happy medium, and stay there.
  •               Do not overthink it.

I have actually missed writing so much. I might just do small articles every week about thoughts that astound me, songs that interest me, and topics that fascinate me.

Take these two songs stuck in my head like crazy!